
Experiences standards and requirements

Last updated : 31 May 2024

Before any experience is published, it is reviewed based on the below criteria and it must continue upholding these standards to remain on hekaya. If an experience doesn’t meet these requirements, the listing or associated account may be restricted, suspended, or removed from platform.

Experience requirements

For an experience to be published, it should be meeting below pillars: 

  • Uniqueness 
  • Falling under hekaya’s experience categories. 
  • Access to a place 
  • Connection and interactive between the guest and the host 
  • Required level of expertise or qualification. 

Some of the services are not certified as an experience and cannot be hosted in hekaya platform, which includes: 

  • Accommodation service including providing place for guest to stay. This is excluded experiences which meeting the standards and requirements but including 1 overnight stay or camping. 
  • Standard daily excursions and tours which include visiting multi sites and locations. 
  • Services including sales, children cares, business services, financial healthcare and technical consultancy services, pet care, vehicle, and equipment’s rentals.  

Restricted activities

Below activities are not permitted to be hosted at hekaya platform: 

  • Sexually suggestive activities. 
  • Activities including using any type of weapons.
  • Activities included any type of violent for people and animals. 
  • Political and religious activities.
  • Some extreme special outdoor activities including expedition trips. Read more about this at what not allowed at experiences below.  

Beside above, there is also additional standards required for some activities. Use special activities guidelines and requirements to read more. 

Verification requirements

Freelancer are allowed to host one experience at hekaya platform, unless otherwise authorized. Also, freelancers are not authorized to host some special type of experiences. 

The freelancers are required to meet below criteria, as a part of the verification process: 

  • Must be an Omani citizen 
  • Provide evident of ID 
  • ID must be valid

Corporate host (sometime refer as agencies) are allowed to host as many experiences as they wish. The agencies are required to meet below criteria, as a part of corporate verification process: 

  • Must be based in Oman
  • Provide evident of ID for the owner and ID must be valid
  • Provide business document and must be valid including commercial registration, tourism permits and commercial chamber of Oman certificate. 

If an experience includes a technically specialized activity where we require proof of a license, certification, or insurance, agencies should provide required documents as well. Check more about this at validation process. 

Listing page

The experience itinerary must be clear, complete, and accurate. Guests need to know exactly what to expect upon booking the experience. This applies to all experience details, including:

  • What guests will be doing
  • Meeting address and instructions for meeting up with the host. Host can put more than one meeting points. 
  • What’s included in the price (ex: what the host is providing for guests)
  • What guests need to bring with them (ex: extra cash to buy food that’s not included)
  • The time and date of the experience

Each experience must have a clear, pre-defined itinerary. Non clear and open-end itinerary is not allowed.

Host Profile

The freelancer host’s profile photo must be a clear picture of the host and not a company logo. The host’s profile name must be the host’s personal name and not a business name. Hosts should describe themselves in the “About Me” section of the experience page.

For the agencies, the profile photo must be company logo and the profile name must represent the company legal name. The agency must describe the company in the ‘’About us’’ section.

Also, the agencies need to add their main team members or leaders who will be with the guest during the experiences. Each member must put his/her clear picture and describe them self in the ‘’About me’’ Section of the agencies profile. 

The admin of the agency will be required to assign leader for each listed experience so the guest will know who will be with them during the experience. 

Hosting Standards

  • Guests should always know exactly who will be hosting them

For the freelancer host, If a friend, partner, or a team is helping you host or manage your experience, they must be registered as a co-host or assistant via the team’s tool on your host dashboard. Co-Hosts must also be assigned to the instances they are leading so that guests know their host in advance. 

For the agencies, this is called leader or assistance and it must be also assigned. Learn more about Co-Hosting and leader requirements.

  • Hosts may not hand guests off to 3rd party suppliers, or leave guests on their own without a host

Hosts, leaders and Co-Hosts must personally lead their guests throughout the entirety of the experience.

  • Other guests booked via other means 

Once a host lists an experience for a particular time and date on hekaya, He/she is allowed to receive guest from other means of booking (other platforms or offline). However, such guest won’t be eligible for this platform policies and standards. 

  • Set of a minimum group size

Host may set a minimum group size. However, we are recommending not to do that to welcome any group size. Instead, host may set the minimum rate. 

  • Keep to guidelines

Hosts must abide by the health and safety guidelines when hosting in-person experiences. Learn more about these requirements.

  • Hosts must honor all booked reservations

Hosts must honor their reservations, unless the host must cancel due to a valid unexpected events, safety concerns, or dangerous weather conditions. Learn more about our experiences host cancellation policy.

  • Guest feedback

Experiences must maintain a high overall rating and avoid too many low review ratings (1-3 stars) from guests. Hosts with too many low ratings or guest-reported issues may have their listings suspended and/or removed from hekaya.

What not allow in experiences

Below is not allowed at all experiences hosted in hekaya Platform: 

1) Restricted experiences

  • Sexually suggestive activities 
  • Activities including using any type of weapons 
  • Violence to people and animals. 
  • Political and religious activities
  • Some extreme special outdoor activities including expedition trips.

2) Others not allowed 

  • Intellectual property violation

We do not permit the use of copyrighted work such as music, videos, photography, or literature unless the work was created or properly licensed by the Host or is in the public domain. 

  • Violation of local laws or restrictions

Hosts are responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other requirements that apply to their experiences.

  • Experiences that cross Oman borders

All experiences must be hosted within the border of the Sultanate of Oman only. 

  • Payments outside of hekaya platform 

Experience hosts may not solicit an online or offline payment from guests in violation of hekaya payment policy.

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