
Cancellation and change policy

Last updated : 13 Jun 2024


Maybe you just need peace of mind before booking, or perhaps you need to cancel right now. Here’s how to find the cancellation policy for your experience:

Tip: If you’re a guest, you can find cancellation and refund options by going to the experience and choosing your experience—find out how. If you’re a host, you’ll find information in your hosting dashboard.

This article is designed to provide guest with short outline about our cancelation policies for our experiences. This is applied to all experiences. 

Default cancelation options

As a guest you will have the cancelation policy in the experience page result; which will be one of the below: 

  • Can cancel until 7 days before the experience start time for a full refund, or within 24 hours of booking as long as the booking is made more than 48 hours before the start time.
  • Can cancel until 24 hours before the experience start time for a full refund.
  • Cannot cancel the experience at any time.

Sometimes, you may have more than one option of cancelation policy to choose. However, you may expect rate to be different from one policy to another. 

Before you book

You can find cancellation details on the listing page, and during the booking process—before you pay.

After you book

Cancellation policy of your experience can always be found in the booking details. The times and dates we display for cancellation policies are based on the Oman local time zone of the listing. 

Cancellation deadlines for receiving refunds are measured from the experience start day/time for the listing in Oman local time zone. 

If you want to know what your refund will be, start to cancel your experience and we’ll show you a detailed breakdown. The refund amount will be depending on the option of policy chosen during the reservation and the date you cancel.  

Unexpected events

Did an emergency or natural disaster disrupt your reservation? You may be eligible for a refund due to unexpected events (read more)

Cancelation policies for host

If you are a host or want to learn more about what cancellation policies are available, please refer to the hosting section. Find out more.

Issues while you’re on a trip

If you encounter issues during the experience that the host cannot resolve quickly, you may be protected under our rebooking and refund policy (read more)

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