
Validation process

Last updated : 24 May 2024

Experiences involving certain technically specialized activities are subject to high-level review and require additional documentation before being published on hekaya. You’ll be getting a communication. This will be mainly required for the sport and outdoor adventure activities.


Validation refers to the process of verifying that hosts who offer experiences on the hekaya platform meet specific criteria related to legality, knowledge, and safety. This process ensures that the hosts are qualified and capable of providing safe and enjoyable outdoor adventures. 

Note: All experienced hosts and co-hosts must understand and comply with all legal and regulatory requirements that apply to their experiences. 

Validation context

The validation process might entail the below criteria: 

  1. Legal Validation
  • License and permits: Verify that the host has obtained any necessary licenses, permits, or certifications required by local authorities or national authorities to operate their adventure activities legally.
  • Insurance: Ensure that hosts have appropriate liability insurance to cover any accidents or incidents that may occur during the activities, in case it is required by the local authorities.


  1. Knowledge and expertise validation
  • Experience and training: Assess the host's qualifications, experience, and training in conducting outdoor activities. This may include certifications in relevant areas such as wilderness first aid, rock climbing instruction, or other specific adventure disciplines.
  • References and recommendations: Check for references or recommendations from previous participants or organizations that can vouch for the host's expertise and professionalism.


  1. Safety Validation
  • Safety protocols: Confirm that hosts have established safety protocols and emergency procedures for their activities, including risk assessment and management plans.
  • Equipment inspection: Ensure that any equipment used in the activities is in good condition and regularly inspected for safety.
  • Participant briefing: Verify that hosts provide comprehensive briefings to participants, covering safety guidelines, potential risks, and how to respond to different situations.
  • Background checks: Consider conducting background checks on hosts to screen for any criminal history or safety-related concerns that might pose a risk to participants.
  • Quality control: Implement ongoing quality control measures, such as customer feedback and reviews, to monitor the performance of hosts and ensure they continue to meet your platform's standards.
  • Compliance with platform policies: Ensure that hosts adhere to the hekaya platform's terms and policies regarding safety, ethics, and customer satisfaction.

How does validation work

We are following a structured process to ensure that hosts meet certain criteria and standards. Here's a step-by-step approach for validating hosts:

  1. Initial application:

Corporate hosts interested in offering adventure and outdoor activities on hekaya platform shall submit their experience for review if their profile is already validated for the specialty. If not, the host won’t be able to resume the process and will be guided to validate their profile first. 

Note: remember that only corporate hosts are allowed to host outdoor adventure experiences. 

  1. Documentation review:

Review the documentation provided by the host, which may include:

  • Proof of licenses, permits, or certifications required for their activities. This also might include the validation for the corporate team. 
  • Evidence of liability insurance coverage.
  • Resumes or qualifications showcasing their expertise and training in adventure activities.
  • References or recommendations from relevant organizations or individuals.
  1. Safety protocol evaluation:

In some cases, for high difficulty levels, below might be required: 

  • Examine the safety protocols and procedures that hosts have in place for their activities. This includes reviewing their risk assessments, emergency plans, and equipment maintenance procedures. 
  • Ensure that they have a clear understanding of safety best practices in their specific outdoor activities.


  1. Feedback and improvement:

The hekaya team might provide feedback to hosts based on the validation process. If any issues or areas for improvement are identified, the hekaya team will work with hosts to address areas of improvement, or any concerns raised by the guest from time to time. 

  1. Final result:

If a host does not meet the validation criteria, they will receive constructive feedback outlining the specific areas that require improvement. At this stage, their proposed experience will be placed in an 'Under Review' status. Hosts are encouraged to take the following steps to address the feedback and enhance their application:

  • Review feedback: Carefully consider the feedback provided, which will highlight the areas that need attention.
  • Enhance qualifications: Hosts should work on enhancing their qualifications, expertise, or safety measures to meet the required standards.
  • Update documentation: If necessary, update any documentation or certifications that may be lacking or expired.
  • Safety protocols: Ensure that comprehensive safety protocols and emergency procedures are in place for the proposed adventure or outdoor activity.
  • Reapply: After making the necessary improvements, hosts can resubmit their applications for review.
  1. Final Approval:

Once hosts successfully pass the validation process and meet all the necessary criteria and standards, their experience will be approved and published.

Activities required validation

Validating hosts for outdoor adventure activities is essential to ensure the safety and quality of experiences offered to participants. The below activities, but may not limited to this; are required to be validated at hekaya platform: 

  • Hiking and trekking
  • Rock climbing
  • White water rafting
  • Mountain biking
  • Camping and backpacking
  • Canoeing and kayaking
  • Skiing and snowboarding
  • Caving/spelunking
  • Paragliding and hang gliding
  • Scuba diving
  • Surfing
  • Zip lining
  • Hot air ballooning
  • Outdoor survival 
  • Fishing and fly fishing
  • Team building and adventure challenges

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