
After submitting your list

Last updated : 05 Jan 2024

After you complete the identity verification and submit your experience, it’s reviewed to ensure it meets Hekaya quality standards and requirements. This process normally takes about a week while we review both you—the Host—and the experience.

How it work

After our review, we’ll notify you of the outcome. It could be:

  • Approved

Brilliant! Means you are almost ready. You can start adding hosting availability to your calendar and start accepting bookings.

  • Declined.

Means your experience is not get approved. However, consider reviewing Hekaya requirements and submitting a new idea.

  • Edit and resubmit. 

You can resubmit your experience after you’ve made a few changes. We’ll provide suggestions in the feedback email. It’s also helpful to review the standards.

  • License and insurance verification. 

Experiences involving certain technically specialized activities are subject to heightened review and require additional documentation before being published on Hekaya. You will get in touch and our team will help you to complete the process. 

Thanks for letting us know!
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Please select all that apply.
Thank you for your feedback

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