Oman’s Weather

Last Update: 16 Aug 2023

Oman is a country with a moderate climate in winter and hot in the summer. Generally, Oman is a hot country due to the fact that it crosses the tropic of cancer.

The temperature varies from one region to another in Oman due to the diversity of its geological terrains and the fact that it overlooks 3 seas and the Indian Ocean. From September to March, the temperature drops significantly, making the mountainous and desert areas chilly, while it increases from April towards August, leaving coastal areas hot and damp and the internal areas hot and dry. However, Oman's summer isn't so hot for some areas, such as Dhofar Governorate that witness a wonderful weather due to the monsoon season which is locally called 'Al Khareef'.

In this exceptional weather, the tourism season reaches the peak, and festivals and many activities are held in Dhofar in celebration of the refreshing monsoon. Some of the other regions in Oman enjoy a lovely weather in the summer as well, especially the mountains and valleys near Muscat and Interior of Oman, that are constant destinations for visitors and tourists. Below table and map represent the division of areas in the Sultanate upon a change in the average temperature throughout the year. Respectively below graphs represent the Average High/Low Monthly Temperature for different areas which are divided as per location and habitat wises.


North Coastal Area


Interior Of Oman


North Mountain Peaks


Desert Sandy Dunes Area


South Monsoon Zone


Other Monsoon Effected Zone

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