Story of the founder

By Ahmed Al-alawi. December 24, 2022

For a long period of my life, when I was young, I did not know the meaning of traveling because it was not within the scope of my knowledge and given the difficult circumstances we were going through.

I still remember my first trip with my beautiful wife in 2011 to Malaysia. It was a memorable and a new experience for me, which prompted me to learn about the world of travel and ways to organize it through the various booking sites.

Not long after that, I had the opportunity to arrange travel reservations for some friends in my town, which had its own mistakes and obstacles. With time and increased knowledge, I was able to somehow overcome these mistakes and gain a good reputation among friends and colleagues.

At that time, I was a full-time employee in one of the airport management institutions in the Sultanate of Oman, and I noticed that one of my colleagues in the department was organizing overseas trips for his friends in the same primitive way that I do, but with the same passion.

Several weeks later, I had a private meeting with my colleague, and I asked him about the reason for doing so, and he said briefly: Passion and love for travel. Later on, I suggested that to work in the field of travel and tourism together and establish an official agency for us, and here the story began.

In the year 2015, we established Zahib Travel and Tourism Company specialized in providing outbound travel experiences. Little by little, with determination and planning, we were able to develop the company to be one of the leading companies in its field within the Sultanate. The years from 2015 to 2020 were not easy, as we faced many challenges and obstacles together, and with perseverance, sacrifice, the strength of planning, and the thoughtful division of roles, we were certainly able to face all challenges and advance the development of the agency.

In the same year later, the idea of transferring the services we provide to electronic services in a simplified manner began, and accordingly, we started working with another specialized party to develop an electronic platform for providing various tourism services and because of the lack of capital, work on the platform continued for more than four years. During that period, the platform and electronic services became my main concern and my new passion, believing that it is the future of the tourism sector.

At the end of 2019, we began to expand the number of branches of the agency and increase the number of the team, but at the beginning of the year 2020, the Corona pandemic began, which had a negative impact on tourism work worldwide and definitely us.

In the month of March 2020, I was in a crucial meeting with my partner at work, and after consultation and frankness, it seemed that with the passage of all those years and the experiences we had, each of us had his own passion and his new vision for the future, and accordingly, I agreed to sell my share of the foundation and start my new foundation through which I can continue to develop the platform.

It was not easy for me to leave the Zahib Foundation during that period, especially with the onset of the pandemic and the presence of new challenges in the tourism market. However, in the same year, I started a new story in the name of Hekaya Holidays, and I devoted the entire period of the pandemic between the years 2020 and 2021 to working individually to continue developing several electronic platforms in cooperation with other parties, and what I can say after more than two years have passed, that the road is still long and that the next will be better.

Ahmed Al Alawi Founder and Chief Executive Officer

I believe that the tourism sector is capable of giving infinitely, and I am truly proud to be part of it. Because I believe that a bright future is waiting ahead of local and international tourism, I endeavour to leave my fingerprints in the global map of tourism. I seek to make the world a better place for everyone.

Unleash your potential and discover the joy of traveling!