Article for guest

Safety always first

Your safety is our priority

Last updated : 24 Aug 2024


This article is developed to provide you with a short outline of what we are doing to ensure your safety at the listed experience as your safety is our first priority. 

Safety assessment

Safety begins with an in-depth program analysis to identify the areas of possible risk. Our analysis is performed on each activity that is offered.  In some cases, upon category type of the experience, the analysis also includes leaders, their skill levels, the location of the experiences, and the environment.  This analysis includes: 

  1. Hosts

Hekaya is allowing freelancer hosts to only host an experience of low possible risk. Other experiences with areas of possible risk are only allowed to operate by a corporate agency and for a specific experience that has extreme risks and required a specific license or experience, only certified corporate is allowed to operate. More information on this at the hosting section (read more)

  1. Categorization 

All outdoor experiences of areas of possible risks are scored with difficulties level. Guests can check the difficulties matrix to understand the meaning of each score to do a self-assessment before going with the booking.  

  1. Activities 

The types of experience activities (canoeing, hiking, rock climbing, etc.) will all have different types of environmental hazards and potential accidents.

  • Do the host need a specific license to operate? 
  • What are the risk management factors in the activity? Which can be controlled, and which cannot be controlled?
  • What skills are needed by participants?
  • What skills are needed by leaders?
  • What equipment is needed?
  • What training in the use of the equipment is needed by leaders, and participants? 

  1. Participants 

There are a number of factors for the participants that the experience can have impacts on safety. These include:

  • Age of participants
  • Previous experience - programs that are introducing new people to outdoor activities versus programs that are providing activities for experienced outdoors persons or programs with a mix of both.
  • Physical condition.
  • Mental & emotional conditions

  1. Locations

The location of the activity is also an important factor. 

  • How much travel and what type is required to get to the activity and return?
  • How will the participants or group travel? Individual cars, group vehicles, who is driving?
  • How remote is the activity? Activities which are more remote may require additional support and have less chance for rescue in an emergency. This may require the group to operate at a lower level of difficulty than in an area closer to civilization.

  1. Weather

Typical weather for the activity, location and season will be a significant factor in determining the experience level, physical condition, age, and experience level of those who are appropriate to go on a trip.

In the event of unusual weather conditions forecasted for the upcoming experience, the experience might be cancelled for safety purposes and the guest will be informed and a refund will be guaranteed. 

  1. Pre-trip information

One of the main safety factors is ensuring providing the guest with an acceptable level of information about each experience to understand what to expect and to prepare well. Participants will be informed about a number of things before a trip goes out.

  • Activity – including the type of activity, location, and duration.
  • Skill level/Difficulty level. 
  • Equipment needed 


what the participants need to provide and what if anything the organization will provide. In some cases, participants who do not have the proper equipment would not be permitted to go.

  • Policies – each experience may have its own policy as per the host. 
  • Waivers, assumption of risk form.

This form is provided to participants before the activity begins when they have an opportunity to read and carefully consider it and to decide whether to sign or not. If they choose not to sign, the organization's policies (see below) may indicate that the person cannot attend. Clearly, it is best to happen beforehand not at the trailhead.

  1. Participant screening 

The waiver form is also maintaining pre-experience screening of the participant which includes: 

  • Medical history information 

In order to get accurate information from participants before the trip, must be understood that this information will be kept confidential. the waiver form shall ask for information about the below: 

  • Health history
  • Allergies
  • Medications
  • Dietary restrictions
  • Required immunizations

  • Physical condition

It is important to have an assessment of the participant's current physical condition (basic aerobic condition). This serves as a check on whether the person is physically capable of safely participating in the activity at the indicated difficulty level or, if the activity itself is based on the participants who sign up, what level of the trip should be planned.

This shall be maintained using the waiver form but might be also checked at the beginning point of the trip. 

  • Previous experience 

A check on previous experience with the activity, how much, how frequently, at what level of difficulty, and how recently is important. 

  • Other information 

Other information is also essential in case of an emergency which might include: 

  • Address and phone
  • Whom to contact in an emergency
  • Permission for medical treatment
  • Equipment needs
  • Special needs

Verification of host

Verification process is established to ensure quality assurance, safety and all listed experiences are in line with hekaya standards and requirements.  

Every host in Hekaya is going through a verification process. Freelancers are allowed to host one experience at Hekaya platform unless otherwise authorized. Also, freelancers are not authorized to host some special type of experience.

The freelancers are required to meet specific criteria, as a part of the verification process: 
Also, Corporate hosts (sometimes refer as agencies) are allowed to host as many experiences as they wish. The agencies are required to meet business criteria, as a part of the corporate verification process: Read more about this at verification requirements.

Validation process

If an experience includes a technically specialized activity where we require proof of a license, certification, or insurance, agencies should provide the required documents as well. Check out more about this in the validation process.

Categorization of experiences

All experiences are categorized in order to make it easier for the guest to filter and find out which activities they like the most. However, the categorization of experiences also provides safety tips to the guest regarding what to expect and what is required to participate.

Guidance to the host

Hekaya is always working to provide continuing tips and guidance to the hosts to ensure improvement and high-quality and safe experiences. Check out more about this at safety at experience.

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