
Special activities guidelines and requirements

Last updated : 15 May 2024


In addition to complying with our terms of service and experience standards, which are applicable to all members of the community, hekaya experience hosts, including their assistant's team, are required to adhere to our additional terms for special activities and meet the following set of standards and requirements.

Prior to the publication of any experience, It undergoes a review based on the criteria outlined in experience requirements, and it must consistently maintain these standards to remain listed on hekaya. If an experience fails to meet these requirements, the listing or the associated account may be subject to restrictions, suspension, or removal from hekaya.

Restricted activities

We do not permit certain activities on the platform. This may include but is not limited to some type of extreme risk activities, sexual activities, and certain ocean activities. Find out more at Restricted activities and Outdoor experience policy.

Activities with special requirements

Activities with special requirements encompass a range of experiences that demand a unique set of prerequisites or conditions for host and participation. These activities cater to individuals who are interested in pursuing distinctive adventures, often in challenging environments or circumstances.

Certain categories of experiences on hekaya have additional standards:

Special validation

In addition to the standard validation process for corporate hosts, there is an additional, specialized validation process in place to ensure that they meet specific qualifications, certifications, and experience requirements. The validation process and its criteria are closely tailored to the following factors:

  • Type of special experience offered: The nature and focus of the unique experience that the corporate host intends to provide.
  • Level of difficulty of the experience: The degree of challenge and complexity associated with the particular experience being offered.


The requirements of special validation process is detailed in each special experience category. 

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