
Interacting with the host

Last updated : 30 May 2024

You might be interacting with the host directly however, sometimes choose to manage their listing with a team, so you might interact with an assistant or a Co-Host instead of the primary host. 


  • The name, photograph, and biography of co-hosts will appear on the experience page.
  • They have the capacity to assist in guiding experiences and might be alongside the primary host or independently lead your group.
  • Co-hosts are capable of addressing your messages and inquiries. Their role will be visible to guests within the group message.


  • The names, photos, and bios of assistants won't be showcased on the experience page.
  • They are equipped to aid in managing experiences but are not authorized to lead guests.
  • Assistants are able to respond to your messages and inquiries. Their role will also be evident to guests within the group message.

Corporate Team:

For the corporate host, the admin host will be able to assign anyone from the team who is registered in the corporate to lead the group or to respond to inquiries. The name, photograph, and biography of all team members will appear on the corporate host profile page. Also, the one who is assigned to lead each group will appear in each experience page or each listing. 

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