
What not allow in the review

Last updated : 09 Sep 2024

We want you to feel confident that the reviews you read on hekaya are authentic, trustworthy, and useful. Reviews are only helpful when reviewers accurately recount their experience and provide their honest opinions, whether positive or negative.

What we don’t allow

  • Review manipulation: Attempting to influence a guest’s or host’s review through threats or incentives has no place in our community.
  • Competitor reviews: Established competitors of a specific Host may not leave a negative review with the intent to dissuade guests from booking that host’s experience.
  • Conflict of interest: Reservations created only to try to manipulate the review system with fake reviews and fake ratings are not allowed.
  • Irrelevant or biased reviews: Reviews that are biased, retaliatory, or don’t include relevant or helpful information may be removed.
  • Violating content: Any other content that doesn’t follow hekaya’s content policy has no place in our community.

Learn more about hekaya’s reviews policy.

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