
How reviews work

Last updated : 01 Jun 2024

Reviews are a great way for Hosts and guests to give each other feedback. We’ve got info here about how and what you can share, and more about the world of reviews and how they work for experiences.

The basics     
After your trip ends, we’ll ask you to write a review and provide star ratings within 30 days. Make sure every review you write is unbiased, relevant, and doesn't violate our content policy so it’s not taken down.

Managing reviews    
Need to write an honest review? you have 30 days. Already wrote one but forgot to add something. If you submit your review first, you may have up to 48 hours to edit it. But once the host submits their review, both reviews are automatically published, and no more changes can be made.

To edit a recent review:

  • Go to Profile > Reviews
  • Select Reviews by you
  • Go to the review you’d like to edit

Removing reviews     
Once a review you’ve written has been published, you can contact us to request for it to be removed.     
Did someone else write the review? Just be aware that we will only take action if it violates our Review Policy. Please note that someone who wrote a review always has the right to request that it be removed.

Thanks for letting us know!
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Please select all that apply.
Thank you for your feedback

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