
Star rating

Last updated : 19 Sep 2024

In addition to written reviews, star ratings are a quick way for guests to give feedback. They’ll rate their experience in the following categories—so bear these in mind when preparing for your next guest:

  • Overall experience. - How it was, overall 
  • Communication. - Representing host commitment toward inquires raised by the guest before or during the experience. 
  • Experience services. - Representing host commitment toward what including in the experience and quality of services provided.
  • Guidance. - Representing host commitment toward guidance and leadership during the trip and was the guest informed about what need to know, what to bring and what to expect. 
  • Value. - Representing was the experience worth for its price. 
  • Time management. - Representing host commitment toward start time and trip period.
  • Safety. - Representing host commitment toward hekaya safety rules during the experience.

Where guests can find your listing’s rating

Host with less than 3 rate will have no review showing and will be displayed as ‘’New’’. Once at least 3 guests rate your listing, an average of their primary scores is shown near the title in search results and on the listing itself. Aggregate scores by category can be found alongside the reviews. Preview your listing to check things out.   

Learn about your ratings and how to improve

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Experience review

Learn about how the review works at the hekaya platform.

Writing a review

Once the experience ended, you may leave a review for the trip and host. Get started by browsing the review section.

What not allow in the review

We want you to feel confident that the reviews you read on hekaya are authentic, trustworthy, and useful.
