
Message reviews by hekaya

Last updated : 12 Jun 2024

We care about the safety of our hosts and their guests. That’s why we’re careful when it comes to how everyone communicates with each other.
We may review, scan, or analyse your messages on hekaya. We do this for a number of reasons, including:

  • Identifying risks to our users
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Investigation
  • Enforcing our terms of service and non-discrimination policy
  • Providing customer service
  • Research and analytics
  • Improving or expanding our products and services

Communication outside hekaya platform can put you at risk, so one of the main reasons we analyse messages is to help protect against online fraud. That’s why it’s so important that you communicate only through the hekaya message thread until you have a confirmed hekaya reservation.
By communicating and booking directly through hekaya, you’ll have access to our secure payment’s platform, 24/7 customer support. 
Sometimes we may block messages from being sent. We may also suggest or require text to be removed from messages in certain circumstances, such as when we detect words or numbers that include contact information, references to other sites, external links, or content that violates our policies. 
Safety is important, but we value your privacy too. We never review, scan, or analyse your messaging communications to send you third-party marketing messages. We don’t sell reviews or analyses of these communications.

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