
Cooking and food experiences

Last updated : 03 Jun 2024

Cooking and food experiences offer a delectable journey that transcends the act of preparing and enjoying a meal. They are a gateway to culture, tradition, and the very essence of human connection. From the sizzle of ingredients in the pan to the shared stories around the dining table, these experiences create lasting memories. Whether you're learning a cherished family recipe, exploring a new cuisine, or simply relishing the joy of breaking bread together, cooking and food experiences are a delicious celebration of our shared human heritage and an opportunity to savor life's rich flavors.

Note: It’s every host’s responsibility to learn about Omani local law that may affect their experiences’

The meaning of cooking and food experience

In addition to hekaya experiences' standard requirements, every cooking experience submitted to hekaya undergoes a review process to ensure it aligns with the following quality criteria:

  • The primary activity involves food preparation, such as baking or cooking.
  • The host shares a genuine culinary tradition, which can include a personal, familial, or cultural connection to a recipe or cuisine.
  • Guests participating in this experience will have the opportunity to dine together in a social setting.


If an experience meets these criteria, it may be featured in the cooking on hekaya experiences category.

Experiences involving cooking that do not meet these quality standards, for instance, if guests won't be dining together, will still be published and searchable on the platform. However, they will not appear on the cooking category page.

If you are interested in becoming a host for a cooking experience, you can submit your idea for review here. Your submission will be evaluated with these quality standards in mind. 

Health and safety guidelines for cooking experiences

  1. Food handling and preparation

Proper food handling and preparation are fundamental to ensuring the safety of your guests. This includes following stringent hygiene practices, such as frequent hand washing, sanitizing surfaces, and using gloves and utensils when appropriate. 

Ingredients should always be fresh and stored at the correct temperatures to prevent spoilage or contamination. Additionally, it's crucial to be mindful of potential allergens in your dishes and communicate this information clearly to guests, allowing them to make informed choices and ensure their safety.

  1. Hygiene and cleanliness

Maintaining a spotless and well-organized cooking environment is essential. Regularly clean and sanitize kitchen equipment, utensils, and dining areas. This not only ensures food safety but also enhances the overall guest experience. Providing hand sanitizers or access to handwashing facilities in the cooking area promotes good hygiene practices among guests and hosts alike.

  1.  Allergen awareness

To accommodate guests with food allergies or dietary restrictions, it's crucial to ask them about their specific needs in advance. This allows you to tailor your menu and cooking processes accordingly. Clearly labeling dishes that contain common allergens, such as nuts, dairy, or gluten, is an effective way to prevent accidental exposure and ensure the safety of all participants.

  1. Cooking equipment safety

Ensure that all cooking equipment is well-maintained and meets safety standards. Regularly inspect and service appliances to prevent accidents or breakdowns during your experience. Additionally, take the time to educate your guests on the safe use of kitchen equipment, particularly if they are unfamiliar with certain tools or appliances, to prevent accidents and injuries.

  1. Fire safety

Prioritize fire safety in your cooking area. Equip your space with fire extinguishers and smoke detectors, and make sure they are in proper working condition. Educate your guests on the location and use of these safety devices. In case of a fire emergency, having clear evacuation routes and procedures is essential to ensure everyone's safety.

  1. First aid kit

Maintain a well-stocked first aid kit that includes essential supplies such as bandages, antiseptics, and basic medical equipment. This kit can be invaluable in treating minor injuries that may occur during your experience.

  1. Emergency contacts

Provide your guests with a list of local emergency contacts, including the nearest hospital, police station, and fire department. In case of a severe emergency, knowing where to turn for help is crucial.

  1. Food and beverage handling and storage

When handling food and beverages, it's essential to use proper storage containers to prevent contamination. Maintain safe food handling temperatures, both during preparation and serving. This includes keeping hot foods hot and cold foods cold to prevent bacterial growth.

  1. Guest education

Clearly communicate the safety measures in place to your guests before and during the experience. Explain how they can contribute to a safe environment, such as by washing their hands before the meal and respecting physical distancing guidelines

  1. Emergency preparedness

Have a well-defined plan in case of unexpected incidents or accidents, and make sure all participants are aware of it. This plan should include steps for handling medical emergencies, fires, or other unforeseen events. Having clear communication and procedures in place can make a significant difference in ensuring everyone's safety.

By adhering to these comprehensive health and safety guidelines, you can create a secure and enjoyable cooking experience for your guests, enhancing their overall satisfaction while prioritizing their well-being.

Outdoor cooking experiences

When hosting an outdoor cooking experience, there are additional guidelines and considerations to ensure the safety and enjoyment of your guests. Here are some extra guidelines:

  1. Weather preparations

Keep a close eye on the weather forecast leading up to your outdoor cooking experience. Ensure you have appropriate shelter options, like tents or canopies, to provide protection from rain, intense sun, or adverse weather conditions. In case of inclement weather, have a backup plan in place to move the cooking or dining indoors if necessary.

  1.  Fire safety in outdoor settings

If your outdoor cooking involves open flames or grilling, be extra vigilant about fire safety. Place grills or cooking equipment on stable surfaces away from flammable materials like dry grass or overhanging branches. Have a fire extinguisher nearby and educate your guests about fire safety precautions specific to the outdoor environment.

  1.  Insect and pest control

Outdoor settings can attract insects and pests. Take measures to minimize their presence by using insect repellents, citronella candles, or screens. Keep food covered to prevent contamination and consider providing guests with bug spray or citronella candles as part of the experience.

  1. Adequate lighting

If your outdoor cooking experience extends into the evening, ensure there is sufficient lighting for both cooking and dining areas. Well-placed outdoor lighting or lanterns can enhance safety and create a welcoming atmosphere.

  1. Outdoor cooking equipment safety

Check that all outdoor cooking equipment, such as grills or camp stoves, is in good working condition and placed on stable ground. Familiarize guests with the safe operation of these outdoor appliances, including how to turn them on and off.

  1. Seating and comfort

Provide comfortable seating options for your guests, especially if the cooking experience involves a multi-course meal. Consider offering cushions or outdoor seating pads to enhance comfort during the dining portion of the event.

  1. Waste disposal

Plan for proper waste disposal in your outdoor setting. Use designated trash bins or bags to collect and dispose of food scraps, packaging, and other waste responsibly, ensuring that your outdoor space remains clean and litter-free.

  1. Outdoor venue regulations

Familiarize yourself with any specific regulations or permits required for hosting outdoor events in your chosen location. Some public parks or outdoor spaces may have rules regarding open flames, alcohol consumption, and group gatherings.

  1. Natural hazards

Be aware of potential natural hazards in the outdoor environment, such as uneven terrain, wildlife, or poisonous plants. Inform your guests about these hazards and provide guidance on how to stay safe while enjoying the outdoor experience.

  1. Emergency planning

Develop a clear emergency plan for outdoor cooking experiences, including communication methods and assembly points in case of evacuation. Share this plan with your guests and have first aid supplies readily available.

  1. Outdoor cooking expertise

If your outdoor cooking experience involves specialized equipment or techniques like campfire cooking or grilling, ensure you and any assisting staff have the necessary expertise to operate the equipment safely and provide guidance to guests.
By incorporating these additional guidelines into your outdoor cooking experience, you can create a safe and enjoyable culinary adventure amidst the beauty of the outdoors while minimizing potential risks and challenges.

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