
Sports experiences

Last updated : 01 Jun 2024

From water sports activities fanatics to other sports activities that are experienced on the land to those crazy about air sports experience, we’ve got a large and varied range of sports experiences to please every type of enthusiast. Whether it’s horse racing, track days, archery, stadium tours, or golf – you name it, we’ve got it at hekaya experience.

Types of sport experience

Sports experiences vary widely depending on personal preferences, interests, and participation levels. At hekaya experience, we aim to offer a diverse range of sports experiences that reflect the unique culture and nature of the sultanate of Oman. Safety and professionalism are paramount in delivering these experiences.

While we celebrate diversity, we also recognize the importance of maintaining a standard structure across our offerings. This ensures consistency and quality for our users. Each experience on the hekaya platform is curated to meet these standards, guaranteeing a safe and professional environment for participants.

Our platform enables users to explore and engage in various sports activities relevant to Oman's landscape and heritage. From desert adventures to coastal water sports, each experience is crafted with care to provide an authentic and enjoyable journey.

Also, all sports experiences offered through hekaya must adhere to the platform's standardized structure of experience. Read more about experience standards and requirements.

  1. Recreational sports

These are casual activities done for enjoyment and relaxation, often without intense competition or formal structure. Examples include jogging, hiking, and cycling.

  1. Competitive sports

These involve structured competitions with rules and regulations. Participants strive to win against opponents or achieve personal bests. Examples include basketball, soccer, and swimming.

  1. Team sports

These are sports played collectively with a group of individuals working together towards a common goal. Examples include football, volleyball, and baseball.

  1. Individual sports

These are sports where the focus is on individual performance rather than teamwork. Examples include tennis, golf, and track and field events.

  1. Outdoor adventure sports

These activities take place in natural environments and often involve elements of risk and challenge. Examples include rock climbing, whitewater rafting, and skiing.

  1. Extreme sports

These are high-risk, high-adrenaline activities that often involve speed, height, or unconventional environments. Examples include extreme hiking and climbing activities and sandboarding.

  1. Water sports

These activities take place in or on the water and include swimming, surfing, sailing, snorkeling, and diving.

  1. Endurance sports

These sports test participants' stamina and endurance over long periods. Examples include marathon running, triathlon, and cycling.

  1. Mind sports

These involve mental rather than physical competition, often requiring strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. Examples include chess, bridge, and poker.

  1.  E-sports

These are competitive video game competitions, often played in organized tournaments with professional players.

Rules at sport experience

The most important safety standard to host a sports experience on the hekaya platform is to ensure that all activities adhere to rigorous safety protocols established by hekaya, including the provision of proper protective gear, qualified supervision by instructors, thorough participant briefings on safety procedures, emergency preparedness plans, and adherence to industry-standard safety guidelines for each specific sport or activity.

License or permit to offer a sports-based experience.

The requirements for permits can vary depending on the type of sport or activity you're offering and where you plan to host it.

If your experience involves personal training or fitness group activities in public spaces such as outdoor camps, surfing, swimming, or diving, you will likely be required you to obtain a permit. These permits often come with specific guidelines on how you can conduct your sessions.

Besides obtaining permits, it's crucial to have the necessary accreditation for your sport if you're providing training or instructor services.

In these situations, you'll receive notification about the requirements before you can begin listing your experience. You'll need to submit the necessary documents, and once they're verified, you can proceed with adding your experience. This ensures that all necessary standards and regulations are met before offering your experience to the public.

Restricted activities

At the moment, some outdoor experiences may not be relevant to the nature of the sultanate of Oman. Therefore, there is a list of activities that are not allowed to be hosted at hekaya. Read more at outdoor experience policy.

Validation process

Experiences involving certain technically specialized activities are subject to high-level review and require additional documentation before publishing on hekaya. All such activities are going through a validation process by our expert team.

Tips and guidelines

Ensuring the safety and well-being of your guests should be your top priority. Always use reliable equipment and trusted suppliers whenever necessary. Beforehand, ask your guests about their experience level and any other factors that might affect their participation.

Safety first: Prioritize the safety of your participants by providing proper safety gear, ensuring the suitability of the venue, and implementing safety protocols.

Skill assessment: Assess the skill level of your participants beforehand to tailor the experience accordingly. Provide options for beginners, intermediate, and advanced participants.

Qualified instruction: Ensure that instructors leading the activities are qualified and experienced in their respective sports. If offering fitness instruction, consider becoming a registered exercise professional for added credibility.

Equipment check: Regularly inspect and maintain all equipment to ensure it is in good condition and safe for use.

Tip: For activities like diving, where safety equipment is critical, ensure that all equipment is inspected and maintained by certified third parties.

Venue permits: Obtain any necessary permits from local councils or authorities if hosting activities in public spaces. Be aware of any restrictions or guidelines associated with the permits.

Participant communication: Communicate with participants before the activity to inform them of any requirements, such as attire, skill level, or health considerations.

Emergency preparedness: Have a plan in place for handling emergencies, including access to first aid kits and knowledge of emergency procedures.

Environmental considerations: Be mindful of environmental factors such as weather conditions, terrain, and wildlife if hosting outdoor activities. Have contingency plans in place for unexpected situations.

Read more about safety at our Resources centre.

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