
Safety at outdoor activities

Last updated : 02 Jul 2024

Outdoor activities offer fantastic opportunities for adventure and exploration, but safety should always be the top priority. To ensure a secure and enjoyable experience, it's crucial to establish clear guidelines, requirements, and rules. These elements serve as a framework for both hosts and participants, outlining essential safety measures, necessary equipment, and expected behavior. 

By understanding the distinctions between rules, requirements, and guidance, the host can better prepare for outdoor activities while minimizing risks and maximizing enjoyment.

Definition of rules, requirements, and guidelines

  • Rules

Definition: Rules are strict directives that must be followed without exception. They are typically set by governing bodies, land managers, or organizers to ensure safety, protect the environment, and maintain order.

Example: Only certified diving centers are permitted to operate diving tips

  • Requirements:

Definition: Specify essential items or actions necessary for safety and preparedness. They outline mandatory equipment, skills, or precautions that individuals must adhere to before engaging in outdoor activities.

Example: Wearing a helmet while cycling or hiking is a requirement to mitigate the risk of head injuries.

  • Guidance

Definition: Provides recommendations, tips, or best practices to enhance safety and enjoyment during outdoor activities. While not mandatory, following guidance can significantly improve preparedness and reduce potential risks. 

Tip: Good is not enough when better is possible. See more guidance on safety at our resources center. 

Example: "Plan ahead and inform someone about your itinerary" is guidance that promotes accountability and ensures assistance can be provided in case of emergencies.

Tip: Requirements outline essential items or actions for safety, and guidance offers recommendations to enhance preparedness and enjoyment. By understanding and adhering to these distinctions, outdoor enthusiasts can embark on adventures with confidence, knowing they are well-prepared and equipped to handle whatever challenges may arise.  

Safety rules

Ensuring adherence to safety rules serves multiple vital purposes, including compliance with legal regulations and safeguarding both personal well-being and the environment. Given the diverse range of outdoor activities, each may be subject to specific regulations and rules tailored to their unique characteristics and potential hazards. Hekaya is actively committed to ensuring that all outdoor activities it hosts align with local regulations and meet stringent safety requirements. 

Safety requirements

In addition to adhering to safety rules, hekaya is proactively implementing additional safety measures tailored to each outdoor activity. By understanding and implementing the best safety practices for each activity, hekaya ensures that participants can enjoy their experiences with enhanced peace of mind.

Tip: All experience including outdoor activities should fulfill hekaya experiences standards and requirements. 

As part of our commitment to safety, we have established a clear policy regarding restricted activities that are not permitted on the hekaya experience platform. Read more about this at outdoor experience policy. 

Furthermore, we have developed specific safety requirements for each type of outdoor activity, considering the unique characteristics and potential risks associated with each experience. These requirements undergo a rigorous validation process for hosts and a specialty verification process for leaders, ensuring that all aspects of safety are thoroughly addressed.

Whether it's a social experience, sport experience, cooking experience, or outdoor adventure experience, our priority remains the same: to provide participants with unforgettable outdoor experiences while prioritizing their safety and well-being.

Level of experience difficulties

Hekaya maintains a stringent standard for evaluating the suitability and safety of outdoor experiences before permitting their operation. We have also defined different categories for the difficulties level of outdoor experiences. 

For instance, while a corporate host may be permitted to operate a hiking experience in relatively low-risk terrain, they may not be authorized to conduct activities in areas with significant hazards or technical challenges. In such cases, advanced qualifications and certifications may be required to ensure the safety of participants.

Safety of experience – for guest

While hosts are responsible for providing a safe environment and adhering to safety protocols, participants also have a responsibility to follow rules, guidelines, and instructions to ensure their own safety and the safety of others. Read more about guest safety at safety at experience.

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