
Third-party provider terms

Last updated : 29 Dec 2023

Agreement with third parties

As a host using hekaya's platform, you have the opportunity to enter into agreements with third parties, including individuals or entities, to provide specific elements of the experience service. However, it is imperative that you, as the host, ensure that any third parties engaged in providing services as part of the experience are fully aware of and committed to complying with hekaya's terms of service.

Host obligation

Hekaya entrusts hosts with the discretion to collaborate with third parties to enhance the overall experience. However, this privilege comes with the expectation that hosts actively oversee and guarantee the adherence of all involved parties to hekaya's terms of service. Failure to do so may result in consequences outlined in agreements with hekaya, including potential termination of hosting arrangements and other applicable actions.

"As the host entering into an agreement with hekaya, you acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to ensure that all terms, rules, and policies outlined in the terms of service and any related agreements are adhered to by any third parties providing services as part of experiences facilitated through hekaya.

You, as the host, are responsible for communicating and enforcing these terms, rules, and policies to any other parties involved in the provision of services for experiences. This includes, but is not limited to, any individuals or entities engaged in hosting, guiding, or contributing to the overall experience.

Failure to ensure compliance with the agreed-upon terms, rules, and policies may result in consequences outlined in the agreements with hekaya, including but not limited to termination of the hosting arrangement, financial liabilities, and any legal actions deemed necessary by hekaya.

By entering into this agreement, you affirm your commitment to oversee and guarantee that all parties involved in providing services for experiences under hekaya's platform adhere to the established terms, rules, and policies."

Service required validation for third parties

High-risk services in outdoor experiences can vary depending on factors such as location, weather conditions, and the nature of the activity. Read more about such activities at special experience guideline and requirement.

Validation for third parties

For services that involve a high level of risk, it is a mandatory requirement that third parties, including individuals or entities, providing such services must undergo a thorough validation process conducted by hekaya. This validation process is implemented to ensure the safety, security, and compliance with standards established by hekaya.

As a host, if you intend to engage third parties to provide high-risk services as part of the experience, it is your responsibility to ensure that these third parties have successfully completed the validation process administered by hekaya. This process may include background checks, qualifications assessment, or other measures deemed necessary by hekaya to ascertain the competence and reliability of the third party in delivering high-risk services.

By entering into agreements with third parties for high-risk services, you acknowledge and accept the obligation to collaborate with hekaya in the validation process. Hosts must prioritize the safety and well-being of participants involved in the experience. Read more about hekaya validation process. 

Hekaya reserves the right to deny or revoke the ability of any third party to provide high-risk services if they do not meet the established validation standards. Hosts are encouraged to communicate these requirements to third parties and ensure their understanding and compliance with the validation process. 

This validation requirement is in place to maintain the integrity and safety of experiences facilitated through hekaya, and hosts are expected to play a proactive role in upholding these standards." 

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