
Log in to your hekaya account

Last updated : 18 Jul 2024

Whether you're a newcomer or simply need a quick reminder on accessing your account, we're here to guide you through the process and ensure you gain access smoothly.

If you’re new to hekaya

We're delighted to have you here! Begin by creating an account, where you'll find all the essential information to kickstart your journey. Additionally, you'll discover all the guidance you require to embark on your journey, right here.

Log in to an existing hekaya account

When you set up your account, you select your preferred method of signing in. This could be through email, phone number, Twitter, Facebook, or Google account. Please follow the below method to log-in:

  • Click Account
  • Choose how to log in.
  • Enter your login details and follow the instructions.

Switching between hosting and traveling

Whether you're a host or a guest—or both—learn how to seamlessly switch between hosting and traveling on the app.

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