
Who can have hekaya account

Last updated : 05 Jul 2024

Ensuring the safety and security of our community is paramount to us. 

Maintaining valid and accurate account information is essential for the safety and security of both guests and hosts. If you observe or encounter behavior that violates our policies, we encourage you to report it to us promptly. Report to us. 

What we allow

Ensuring the authenticity of guests and hosts on hekaya is fundamental to our mission. That's why, when booking an experience, or when hosting an experience, we may require verification of your personal information, including your legal name, address, phone number, and other contact details.

In some cases, we may ask for additional information, such as:

  • Legal name, address, and/or other personal details, which are often sufficient for identity verification.
  • Photo of your government ID, which could be a driver’s license, passport, identity card, or visa. 


Rest assured; your identification information is handled in accordance with our privacy policy.

What we do not allow

  • Identity representation: Accounts must truthfully represent the individual who created them. This includes providing accurate information, photos, and documents that align with the person's identity.
  • Underage users: Individuals under the age of 18 are prohibited from creating hekaya accounts or making reservations. If they participate in an experience, they must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Dangerous organization affiliation: Affiliation with extremist groups, hate groups, or organized crime organizations is strictly prohibited on hekaya. Individuals associated with such organizations are not permitted to have an account.

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Account security

We're continuously enhancing security measures to safeguard your account.

Unauthorized account access

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