
About majeed host

Last updated : 16 May 2024


Majeed is an arabic word that means ‘’super’’. Majeed host is the host who meets a couple of criteria and shows how hosting should be. A host can be identified from the badge (icon) that appears in their lists and profile. 

Qualifying as majeed host 

Anyone who’s extremely welcoming and experienced at making guests feel like they belong, or anyone who can conjure up an extraordinary hekaya experience can become ‘’Majeed Host’’ 

No need to apply—you simply earn majeed host status by doing things like receiving positive reviews, being responsive, and avoiding cancellations where possible.

Keeping the “Majeed” in majeed host 

We check majeed host’s performance 4 times a year to ensure we’re constantly spotlighting the best of the best. Learn more about Maintaining majeed host     

Note: Hekaya does not endorse or sponsor any host, including majeed host, or their listings. Majeed host terms and conditions apply.
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Related Topics
How to become majeed host

Our top-performing hosts are called Majeed hosts. Their listings feature a special badge that lets everyone know they’re extra awesome.

Maintaining majeed host status

Being majeed host is kind of a big deal around here—in fact, we take the time to evaluate it 4 times a year.

Tracking your majeed host status

Track how you’re doing for each of the majeed host requirements
