
How refunding guest is work

Last updated : 11 Sep 2024

If you need to refund a guest for your experience, you can do so through the resolution center or from your calendar.

Guest cancellations within the cancellation window

If a guest cancels within your cancellation window, they'll receive an automatic refund within 10 business days, so you don't need to do anything.

Refund guest

  • Go to resolution center and click send money
  • Select a guest to send money and click Next
  • Under select a reason, choose the reason that best describes your refund situation
  • Click Next
  • Enter the refund amount, and add a message to your guest
  • Click Next and then send

Host cancellations

If you need to cancel your experience at any time, locate it in your calendar, and select cancel experience. Guests will receive an automatic refund within 10 business days.  
Learn more about canceling an experience as a host.

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