
Cancelation of reservation by the host

Last updated : 05 Jan 2024

We understand that things happened forcing host to cancel the experiences. Yet cancellations can be very disruptive for guests and should be avoided, as possible. 
If one of your Experiences has to be cancelled and it’s not because of Weather or Emergencies or safety issues, you may be charged a cancellation fee.


weather conditions create an unsafe or uncomfortable environment for your guests. You won't be charged a penalty fee. We may contact you for documentation to verify weather-related claims.

Emergencies or safety issues

We understand that emergencies happen. We don’t apply penalties for cancellations under the Unexpected Event Policy, or for cancellations made for valid safety reasons.

Cancellation penalties

Penalties may apply if you cancel an experience that’s already been booked by a guest.
We may charge a fee of up to 20% of the booking value of the cancelled experience, which we will deduct from an upcoming pay-out. We’ll notify you if a fee will be charged before you complete a cancellation.
Frequent cancellations, or no-shows, are a violation of our terms of service and may result in removal of your experience from hekaya.

Cancelling an Experience

To cancel one of your Experiences, locate it in your calendar, and select Cancel Experience. Your guests will receive a notification and a full refund.

Rebooking on a different date or time

If you and your guests agree to an alternate time, contact us to let us know after you cancel. We’ll verify that your guests have agreed and remove any penalty that was applied.

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