
Changing your experience after it’s published

Last updated : 05 Jan 2024

What you can change

  • Updates to the description ("What we’ll do"), but make sure it meets our standards and requirements
  • Updates to the "What’s provided” and the "What guests should bring" sections
  • Updates to the “Guest requirements” section. 
  • Updates to the meeting location (except when moving to public land)
  • New transportation may be added, but you’ll need to submit and get approval for any required license and insurance
  • New photos may be uploaded, as long as they meet Hekaya’s photo quality standards

Even though you can update some parts of your experience, certain activities may have additional special requirements or restrictions.

What you can't change:

  • Changing the main category, sub-category of your experience in a way that may invalidate guest reviews for the original experience. 
  • Change the activities included in your experience. At some circumstances this might be allowed. However, validation will be required. 
  • Changing the governance, city, and exact location in which the experience is held. 
Tips: If you'd like to make any of these types of changes, it's best to submit an experience altogether and Hekaya can review it.

Hekaya can reject any proposed changes to an experience listing. You will notify if that your listing may be subject to removal if the listing doesn’t meet our standards and requirements.

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