
Interacting with others

Last updated : 03 Jul 2024

Experience is a great way to put yourself out there and chart some new territory in life. To help ensure you have a good experience, you may want to consider these safety tips when interacting with hosts and guests.

Get to know people ahead of time.

There are many ways to learn about your host or guest before your trip or experience begins, as early as confirmation phase:

  • Read reviews from other guests.
  • Check that their identity and other account information has been verified or confirmed.
  • Connect through your hekaya messages, which keep your email address hidden for privacy and security.
    Set and pay attention to the experience provided details. 
  • If you’re a host, you may require a profile photo to book your listings.


Protect your finances

  • Completing all transactions through the secure payment platform provided by hekaya.
  • Keeping sensitive financial information, such as credit card details and government-issued IDs, confidential and not sharing them outside of the platform.

Be cautious with personal information.

Exercise caution when sharing personal details such as email addresses, phone numbers, or residential addresses. Stick to using the hekaya messaging system for communication to maintain privacy and security.

Keep a clear head and stay connected

Ensure your safety by:

  • Avoiding activities that may impair your judgment during the storytelling session.
  • Informing friends or family members about your participation in the hekaya experience.
  • Familiarizing yourself with emergency contact information relevant to your location during the session.

Report any violations.

Help maintain a safe environment for all participants by promptly reporting any violations of hekaya's terms of service, including:

  • Requests to engage in transactions or communications outside of the platform.
  • Harassment or offensive behavior.
  • Any actions that pose a safety risk to participants. If there’s an emergency in progress, please contact local emergency services or law enforcement authorities for assistance on 9999.
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