Steps to Create an experience product
Last Updated: 25 Jan 2023
1. Conceptualize your idea

Begin by fleshing out your experience concept. Think about what unique expertise, skills, or insights you can offer to participants. Consider what makes your experience special and engaging. Whether it's a cooking class, a guided tour, or a virtual workshop, make sure your idea resonates with potential participants.

2. Design the experience

Craft an outline for your experience. Define its structure, duration, and key activities. Think about how participants will engage, learn, and enjoy during the experience. If it's a virtual experience, plan how you'll leverage online platforms to create an interactive and immersive environment.

3. Ensure quality standards

Review Hekaya’s quality standards for experiences. Ensure that your experience aligns with these guidelines to provide a safe, enjoyable, and enriching experience for participants.

4. Understand Local Regulations

Familiarize yourself with any local Omani regulations, restrictions, or requirements that might apply to your experience. This could include considerations related to health and safety, permits, or any specific rules for your type of experience.

5. Craft a compelling listing

Create a captivating listing for your experience. Craft a clear and enticing title, a concise and engaging description, and choose high-quality photos that showcase what participants can expect. Be transparent about the experience's format, prerequisites, and any materials participants might need.

6. Set pricing and availability

Determine the pricing for your experience. Research similar experiences to get an idea of the market rate. Consider factors like your expertise, the uniqueness of your experience, and any materials or resources you provide. Choose the dates and times when you're available to host the experience.

7. Your experience image

Selecting the right image is crucial for your experience. Images play a big role in managing activities and interactions throughout your experience. Make sure to choose an image that you have the rights to use and is very clear.

8. Plan for logistics

Plan the logistics of your experience. If it's an in-person experience, consider the location, transportation, and any necessary supplies.

9. Launch your listing

Once your listing is complete and you're satisfied with the details, it's time to launch! Make your experience live on Hekaya’s platform for potential participants to discover.

10. Engage with participants

Interact with participants before, during, and after the experience. Answer their questions promptly, provide any necessary information, and create a welcoming atmosphere.

11. Collect and Incorporate Feedback

After hosting your experience, encourage participants to leave feedback. Use their input to continuously improve and enhance your experience. Positive reviews can boost your credibility and attract more participants.

Remember, whether you're an individual freelancer or a corporate entity, Hekaya Experiences offers a fantastic opportunity to share your passion, connect with others, and create memorable moments. Follow these steps to transition your idea into a remarkable experience that enriches lives and brings joy to your participants.


26 dec 2023

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