
Cancellation and refund management

Last updated : 02 Sep 2024


Aamali's cancellation and refund management feature offers comprehensive control over service cancellations, avoiding issues, and processing refunds with ease. This functionality streamlines the entire process, allowing users to efficiently handle cancellations, minimize associated risks, and ensure customer satisfaction. Users can easily initiate, track, and manage cancellation requests, while automated workflows facilitate timely processing and accurate refund calculations. With built-in safeguards and customizable settings, Aamali empowers businesses to uphold cancellation policies, mitigate financial impacts, and maintain positive customer relationships effortlessly.

In the realm of cancellation and refund management, Aamali ERP system facilitates various types of invoices tailored to specific scenarios:

  • Refund invoice: This invoice is generated when a refund is processed for a cancelled service or product. It documents the refunded amount, reason for refund, and any applicable fees or adjustments, providing a clear record of the transaction.
  • Reissue invoice: In cases where a previously issued invoice needs to be reissued due to errors, adjustments, or modifications, a reissue invoice is generated. It reflects the corrected or updated information while maintaining consistency with the original invoice.
  • Void invoice: A void invoice is generated to nullify a previously issued invoice, typically due to errors, duplicate entries, or canceled transactions. It ensures accurate accounting by reversing the effects of the original invoice, effectively voiding the transaction.
  • Partial refund invoice: When only a portion of the original payment is refunded to the customer, a partial refund invoice is generated. It details the refunded amount, remaining balance, and any adjustments made, providing a transparent record of the partial refund transaction.

Key features

  • Aamali's advanced reporting capabilities encompass tailored reports relevant to each scenario, ensuring comprehensive management of cancellation and refund processes. Each report can be also integrated with the original invoice issued for the same service. 
  • Advance filters: The advanced filter feature of the Aamali ERP system offers unparalleled flexibility and efficiency in retrieving specific information from various cancelation and refund reports. 

2 sep 2024

When clients change their minds and decide to reissue or cancel a service, Aamali ERP steps in seamlessly to manage these scenarios efficiently. With intuitive tools and streamlined processes, users can easily navigate through service modifications, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum satisfaction.